Device Mount Mode

How to configure Device Mount Mode

Device Mount Mode allows you to configure the mounting orientation of the Rock. This is especially important when using analytics like tailgate detection. Choose the appropriate mode based on the Rock's installation:

  • Default Mode: Use this mode when the Rock is mounted on the same wall as the door, with the narrow side facing the doorframe.

  • Corridor Mode: Required for installations where the Rock is mounted on a wall that is at a right angle, or perpendicular, to the door.

To set the Device Mount Mode:

  1. Go to Device Management -> Devices.
  2. Click on the Name of the Rock to open the Rock’s info page.
  3. Click on Modify to open the configurations page.
  4. Scroll down to the Device Mount Mode section.
  5. Select either Default Mode or Corridor Mode based on your installation needs.
  6. Click Submit when done.